On June 28, the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer honors the great sacrifice of Ukrainian Redemptorists, who were witnesses to the Catholic faith.
On September 1, 1939, the Soviet Union took control of Western Ukraine and unleashed violent persecution against the Greek-Catholic Church.
Until the fall of communism, the Bolsheviks imprisoned Greek Catholics in camps-- torturing and killing thousands of faithful bishops, priests and lay people.
Among them were four Redemptorists: Bishop Vasyl (Basil) Vsevolod Velychkovsky (1903-1973), Bishop Nicholas Charnetsky (1884-1959), Father Ivan Ziatyk (1899-1952) and Father Zynoviy (Zenon) Kovalyk (1903-1941).
Under Soviet control, these men endured torture and sufferings, which were inflicted during and after World War II. These four Redemptorists represent a glorious era of 20th Century martyrdom, and their stories give great witness to the strength of their Catholic faith.
On June 27, 2001, Pope John Paul II beatified a group of modern martyrs of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Among those beatified were Redemptorists Bishop Vasyl Vsevolod Velychkovsky, Bishop Nicholas Charnetsky, Father Ivan Ziatyk and Father Zynoviy Kovalyk.
May their martyrdom bear the fruits of love, hope and peace among all of God's children.