On the weekend of October 15-16, Immaculate Conception Church in Clinton, NC, offered to our parishioners and those of San Juan Mission in Ingold its first Retreat for Married Couples (whether by canonical, civil, and even “common law” marriages).
The retreat experience was directed by one of the apostolic groups within the Hispanic Ministry, aptly called Misioneros, that also direct our bi-annual Taller Pre-Matrimonial for those who are engaged to be married or merely contemplating that possibility.
The retreat was developed by our sister Redemptorist parish, Saint James the Greater in Concord, NC, where I served as Pastor prior to this present assignment. It arose out of the common retreat experience Participants of Marriage Retreat that both parishes now share, Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia (which is the Hispanic version of ChRP—Christ Renews His Parish).
The Misioneros made a journey one weekend some months ago to receive formation in the particular mystique and exercises of this retreat, closely modeled on the type of spiritual practices and activities which characterize Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia. This they faithfully reproduced, and to great effect.
At the closing Mass at midday in the Parish the testimonies that the experience elicited were powerful and moving. Although only twelve couples ventured forth on this occasion into the unknown, we are now confident that many more will dispose themselves of its blessings and graces in the months and years ahead.