I only asked my superiors to be sent to a place I have never been, hoping to venture further away from the East Coast where I have spent so many years. I am one for challenges and new experiences, regardless of the ministry involved.
Work is only half of the life; community is the other half, which I care much more about. This is why I wanted to be sent into uncharted territories and immersed in a new culture, meeting new people and learning new things. I was sent to St. Gerard Parish in Baton Rouge on May 22.
Following in Jesus’ footsteps, there will never be a shortage of challenges. God knew exactly what I was uncomfortable with and what I needed to develop. He threw me directly into it. He made me a teacher again, putting me back in the classroom but reversed the roles: the quiet kid in the corner was now the center of attention.
Overcoming the challenge taught me many important lessons about teaching and being before children, something which, I suspect, God may want more of from me.
When Fr. Tat asked me to speak before the whole church about myself, millions of thoughts raced through my head. But I didn’t want to say “no” to Fr. Tat, or to God. Every single time Fr. Tat asked for my words, whether it was at a meeting or during the bible study group, I would not say “no” to him, to God’s challenge for me to break out of my comfort zone. I figured it out.
I am glad that I was able to share my passion for music and photography with everyone in Baton Rouge. I am glad and thankful to have had the opportunity to capture so many beautiful moments of life in and around the church, of the children attending the summer programs and serving Mass.
Please keep me in prayer as I continue philosophy studies in the Bronx.