Why would anyone take vows of chastity, poverty and obedience in a world that offers so many other options to live a full life? Fr. Charles Duval, the Provincial of the Redemptorists in Canada, in the opening words of his homily quoted St. Paul, who gives us an answer: “The love of Christ urges us on.” It may seem strange to some but it is all about love.
After two years as candidates and one year as novices, Noel Oco and Andrew Phillips have developed a deeper relationship with Christ, a love for Christ, that urges them on. On Sunday, the twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time, at St. Patrick’s 11 am Eucharist, Noel and Andrew made a three-year commitment to trust their love for Christ and to live the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience as Redemptorists. During these three years they will continue their studies for the priesthood and they and the Redemptorists will discern if this is their path towards a life-long commitment.
In the meantime, the imagery of the Sunday Gospel from Mark seems highly appropriate. The story is of Jesus asleep in the boat, besieged by a storm that threatens to engulf the boat and take everyone into the depths of the sea. It is a story of faith and trust.
As Fr. Charles mentioned in his homily we are all in a boat that at times faces stormy waters. This is above all true for members of our Church today as we look at the news and the legacy of residential schools, the stories of abuse by clergy and the challenges of moral issues that are contrary to our understanding of the Gospel. We are going through stormy times and we need to trust.