The first in-person meeting of the Transition to Ministry & Apostolic Community Program since the pandemic began was held at the Redemptorist Retreat Center in Oconomowoc, WI, on May 17-21.
The 2020 spring meeting was canceled, and the fall meeting was held by Zoom. Participants were required to have been vaccinated and willing to travel; those not vaccinated or unwilling or unable to travel participated via livestreaming of the presentations. Of the 17 participants, seven were from the Vice Province of Extra-Patriam, five were from the Denver Province, four were from the Baltimore Province, and one was from the Province of Canada.
The two program directors, Fr. Pete Schavitz, C.Ss.R. (Denver) and Fr. Bob Wojtek, C.Ss.R. (Baltimore) were joined by Fr. Thomas Ha of Extra-Patriam. Five confreres who were absent included: AJ Riviere (Baltimore) who had difficulties with documents to travel from Dominica; Tu Thanh Dinh (Exra-Patriam) who had to host a group at the retreat house in Houston; and Tokha Thomas Hoang, Martin Cat Nguyen and Mark Lam Tran (Extra-Patriam) who apparently were either not vaccinated or did not feel comfortable flying. On another note, four participants were with us for their last time because they were “graduating” after five years in the program: Fr. Kevin Zubel and Fr. Quy Duong (Denver), and Fr. Duc Hoang and Fr. Hao Pham (Extra-Patriam) [Pictured above].
Monday was a travel day given the fact that most participants minister in parishes and traveled significant distances. Tuesday morning began with the welcoming of our two new participants: Br. Ken Stigner (Baltimore) and Br. Eumir Bautista (Canada). They had both participated in last November’s Zoom session, so this was their first in-person experience.
The morning was spent in three small groups allowing people more time to check-in about what is going well in their lives, what could go better, and discuss advice from their peers regarding community life, ministry, heath and their spiritual life.
After lunch, noted Catholic Author Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI was our presenter for the day. He divided the theme of “Living the Chaste Life” into three parts. In the afternoon sessions, he spoke about Sexuality and Celibacy; in the evening, he treated Chastity. He interspersed various stories to illustrate his points. Occasionally, he would pause and open the floor for questions or clarifications.
A key part of the program is to allow participants a chance to rest as well as spend time with one another to chit-chat. That was accomplished on Wednesday.
Thursday morning Fr. Steve Rehrauer, Provincial Superior of the Denver Province, presented reflections on the Plan for Community Life (PCL). Even though some may have heard him talk about this previously, he had adapted the presentation and focused on some of the theology and reasons behind the PCL and its impact on community life.
We recognize and thank Fr. Huy Vu for setting up and doing the livestream of the presentations for those unable to participate in person.
On Thursday afternoon, we did the usual evaluation of our time together first in groups and then as plenary session. Both presentations as well as the presenters were much appreciated and thought to be beneficial.
Suggestions for future topics include Redemptorist Spanish Martyrs, Partners in Mission, Redemptorist Brotherhood, and preparation for Leadership.
Prayer is another essential part of the program. We gathered each day for Morning Prayer and Eucharist. Thursday evening there was Eucharistic Adoration.
The next session will be November 15-19, 2021 at San Alfonso Retreat House in Long Branch, NJ. The topics to be discussed are Racism and Ministry & Racism in Community.
By Fr. Pete Schavitz, C.Ss.R. & Fr. Bob Wojtek, C.Ss.R. Transition to Ministry Apostolic Community Co-Directors (Courtesy of DenverLink.)