One morning I woke up with a terrible sore throat. Suddenly, I remembered feeling sick the day before—just after we learned that one of my fellow brothers had tested positive for Covid-19. At the time, I was afraid that I had Covid-19 and would be late for my summer ministry.
Fearfully, I took the COVID-19 test-- and saw the two lines I did not want to see. I had tested positive and my eyes welled with tears of frustration. I was so disappointed because having Covid-19 would mean being stuck in my room for days on end and arriving late for my summer ministry.
One night, I was holding tightly onto my rosary, pressing it against my chest. As I prayed, I randomly opened the Bible. My eyes fell on a passage. After reading a verse or two, I ran across this quote, "Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God" (Philippians 4:6). It truly calmed me down, and in the end, even though I was late for summer ministry, my loving community in Baton Rouge was totally understanding.
Looking forward, I have been in Baton Rouge for a week, and I have been welcomed with open and loving arms. I know I'm not perfect, and I still have room to grow in all aspects of life. I truly believe that it is never too late to change or improve oneself.
The Redemptorist community, the staff, and the parishioners all know this, and they welcomed me with open arms. I truly believe that I will learn and gain much knowledge from them. In the Bible, it is written, "We love because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19).
Currently, I am involved with the food pantry at St. Gerard’s, where I check in people and hand them food. I also help around the office, proclaim God’s word as a lector for Mass, and help set up for Mass. Fr. Tat has taught me how to cut trees and do garden work because being a priest is also about being able to do ordinary things, like taking care of the landscaping, cooking, cleaning, and fixing small things around the house.
I am really excited to be helping out with Bible summer camp and more ministries to come, such as being involved in the Hispanic ministry. I'm very blessed to be in Baton Rouge because it enables me to use God's gifts and talents to serve the people, like my experiences with Fr. Chung Tran last summer in Grand Rapids, MI .
On Sunday, I was also privileged to visit two Hispanic families, and their strong devotion to Christ has motivated me to learn Spanish so that I can better reach out to the community. I have seen that there are many needs and places where I can provide help for the Hispanic community. I hope to be able to learn Spanish and maybe even become fluent one day.
I have to say that Baton Rouge and the Grand Rapids Redemptorist communities are very welcoming and similar to each other. I just feel like it's my own home and truly believe that it all stems from the loving community and from the caring leadership of the rectors as well.
Perhaps, I can learn how to be a supportive leader from the rector because, without a doubt, he is a good leader who cares for everyone. He’s asked me many times if I needed any help and wanted to ensure that I have everything I need. I can truly tell by his voice that he cares for me.
In the Bible, there is a verse that says, "Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith" (Hebrews 13:7). Fr. Tat is also a pastor, and I can already see his great leadership in the parish as he spends so much time with parishioners, as well as running various groups at church, such as Bible studies. Moving on, Fr.Kevin, Fr. Tat, Fr. Tim, Fr. Don, and Fr. John all greeted me with love and asked me many times if I was comfortable or not.
I'm a very shy person in a new place, so when they ask me these questions, it helps me a lot mentally, and after just a few days, this place already feels like home. In just a week, I have already learned so many great things from this Redemptorist community, from the staff and parishioners.
I would like to end with a prayer, May Our Mother of Perpetual Help protect each of us, and may our Mother bring us closer to God every day, even until our last breath. May each of us open our hearts to serve the most abandoned because everything we get comes from God. Amen.
-Totus Tuus
P.S: I remember calling my mentor, Fr. Chung Tran and he told me that in his experiences, there would always be light at the end of the tunnel. Keep your grip and faith strong in God and in our Mother Mary. I did what Fr. Chung guided me, and my anxiety and stress all went away.
"Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worrying is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer." (St. Padre Pio)