A joyful noise was raised to the heavens when four women renewed the commitment as Redemptoristine Associates on September 10, 2023. This happened at the celebration of the Eucharist presided over by Fr. Provincial John Collins, C.Ss.R.
The chapel in the Beacon Carmelite Monastery of the Incarnation, where the ‘Red Nuns’ reside, was festooned with sunflowers. Prioress, Sr. Moira Quinn, gave a welcome before Mass started and said, “Just as sunflowers turn their faces to follow the sun throughout the day, so our Associates follow the Beloved Son.”
At this Mass Jeannie, Marguerite, Carole and Angela renewed their commitment to follow the Redeemer, faithfully and generously as they strive, like sunflowers, to follow Christ in their daily lives, who is the light of their faith, the strength of their charity and the source of their hope. May God bless them and the other Associates who were unable to attend today’s Mass. May God bless you all.” And the assembly responded, “Amen.”
During the Mass, each Associate participated in either proclaiming a reading, singing the Responsorial Psalm or leading the Prayer of the Faithful. After Fr. John’s right-on-point homily about forgiveness and talking through our concerns with one another, the Associates renewed their commitment for another year.
After Mass, we went to the community room for refreshments and chatted with Fr. John and the ladies over coffee and cakes. Before they left, each Associate received a sunflower as a remembrance of the day.
We thank our Associates for their faithfulness, friendship and the inspiration they are to us, their families, their local communities and the church. May they always be like sunflowers following, adoringly, the Beloved Son.