Six guests from the Denver Province – Provincial Superior Steve Rehrauer, Provincial Vicar John Fahey Guerra and Provincial Consultor Larry Luján, as well as EPC members Fr. Maurice Nutt, Fr. John Schmidt and Fr. Aaron Meszaros – were kind enough to join our Tucson Circle of Redemptorist Associates for an Evening Chapel meeting and get-acquainted dinner arranged by Associate Jane Duquette – Cummings on October 21.
Fr. Brian Johnson, Associates Co-Leader, led the opening prayer. Jenny Martin, Lay Co-Leader, began the meeting with a description of the Congregation’s vision for professed/lay collab-oration. Fr. Steve told us that the EPC was at the Renewal Center to meet with the 22 professed Redemptorists of the Denver Province who are younger than 55 to discuss their dreams for the future of the Congregation. All agreed that they want a fuller partnership with the laity and value the enthusiasm and activities of the Circles of Associates throughout the Denver Province.
Fr. Steve noted that the Working Group has nearly finalized the Directory for Partnership in Mission. One of the group’s key recommendations is that there should be Circles of Associates everywhere there is a professed Redemptorist presence. Fr Steve emphasized that Lay Associates and the professed are the many arms of the same Redemptorist body reaching out to a wounded world. Together, we must radiate Christ’s love for the poor, constantly evaluate the moral fiber of our society – as St. Alphonsus, Doctor of Moral Theology, did in many of his works – and always strive to bring the gospel to those on the sidelines, as some people might be more willing to listen to a lay person than a religious.
After closing the meeting with the Salve Regina, we enjoyed a delicious dinner at the Renewal Center, and got to know our local Redemptorists and our distinguished guests better.