Planned for months by the North American Commission for Partnership in Mission, there was a gathering of the various Circles of Associates from across the North American Redemptorist world on Saturday, November 19, 2022.
The Provinces of Baltimore, Denver, Canada, and Mexico participated, covering six time zones, starting @ 9:00 a.m. on the West Coast and 1:30 Newfoundland time. Scheduled to last two hours, after a Welcome and Opening Prayer Video, each Unit gave a wonderful overview through power- point slides of its various Circles and their activities.
The presentations alone were simply terrific, with a host of pictures of Circle Associate membership, as well as pictures of recent "professions." It was an eye-opener on every level, especially when Anne Walsh, PIM Director of Canada (as well as of our Conference and the entire Congregation), showed a map of Canada with stars highlighting foundations with PIM Circles, and listed the incredible statistic that it would take 98 hours to travel by car from Bechoko in the Northwest Territories to Newfoundland's St. Teresa's Parish Circle of Associates!
An interesting presentation on our recent 26th General Chapter was given by Anne and we were given opportunity to have small group discussions on our response to the 26th General Chapter's theme for the Redemptorist Family for the next six years: "Missionaries of Hope in the Footsteps of the Redeemer."
After some sharing of the entire group, including the Co-ordinator of the North American Conference, Fr. Jack Kingsbury, who shared that the more insightful understanding of the word "following" in its original word in Italian and other languages, is not so much following behind, but that we are "Missionaries of Hope" through, with and in Christ. We offer Christ to our wounded and hurting world through our prayer and missionary activity.
All of us who were able to participate experienced the two hours as a wonderful success and gave thanks to the Holy Spirit who guided us every step of the way!
Wendy Barnes, Co-Chair,
North American Commission for PIM
On November 19, 2022, the North American Secretariat for Partnership in Mission hosted a virtual gathering for Partners in Mission in the conference of North American. I was honored to be a part of the event, both as a member of the Secretariat, and as a Lay Missionary of the Most Holy Redeemer.
There was much to celebrate at this event! The time we spent together as laity and professed Redemptorists was bursting with prayer, collaboration, ideas, and hope for the future of Partnership in Mission.
During the gathering, we celebrated the growth of partnership in mission in North America over these past few years, and we heard from each province about what’s going within the communities, units, and groups. We celebrated the interest that the laity have in partnering with Redemptorists in mission and ministry.
We celebrated the circle gatherings that have grown and evolved over these past few years. We celebrated “pioneering” and the new ways that gathering and formation is taking place—both in person and virtually. We celebrated newly enrolled Redemptorists Associates. And we celebrated prayerfully those who are in the discernment phase, or who are in formation to be Lay Missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer.
For me, the opportunity to reflect together on the theme of Missionaries of Hope in the Footsteps of the Redeemer was most profound. I respond to strong visual images, and I don’t think there is a stronger visual image than walking side by side with Jesus Christ.
I want to give a shout out to Fr. Jack Kingsbury for sharing and clarifying that we are not just walking in the footsteps of the Redeemer—we ARE walking side by side with Him in HOPE!
The breakout session gave us a chance to get with a small group and share thoughts on the theme with questions that were provided to guide us. I always find those opportunities to dialog energizing and humbling at the same time.
Members in my group passionately shared what they are currently doing in mission and ministry and how HOPE will propel them in the future. I felt particularly challenged by their beautiful thoughts and asked myself what more can I do to walk in hope, not as only as a follower of our Redeemer, but as a partner? This gathering epitomized momentum for me.
If you weren’t able to attend, and you are reading this—I hope you will be able to be part of the next one!