Redemptorist confreres strengthened their fraternal bonds this week at the Denver Province Chapter, the first opportunity they have had to gather since the global coronavirus pandemic virtually shut down the United States more than a year ago.
The beautiful Mundelein Seminary campus in Illinois provided a peaceful atmosphere for them to catch up with each other while they participated in a full schedule of Chapter business sessions focused on the current and future state of the Denver Province.
Congratulations to Thien Hoang, C.Ss.R. for professing his Perpetual Vows during the Denver Province Legislative Chapter yesterday. Thien is pictured here with (L-R) Fr. Jack Kingsbury (Administrator of the North American Conference), Fr. Paul Borowski (Baltimore Provincial), Fr. Steve Rehrauer (Denver Provincial) Fr. Jotero Aghoja (Nigeria Vice Provincial) and Fr. Jose Guadalupe Nazarin (Mexico Provincial). He is also pictured with his parents.