I have a special love for Fr. Arthur Gildea because he was a good priest, Redemptorist confrere, and a dear friend. I loved his special care and love for the elderly Redemptorist confreres when he was the superior and director of our elderly home in Saratoga Springs, New York.
I remember him calling me up one day when I was Provincial and telling me that he wanted to take Fr. Tom Lacey to Paraguay. He told me that Fr. Tom Lacey wanted to see Paraguay one more time before he died. I told Fr. Arthur that Fr. Tom had a serious problem with dementia, and that he would not even know that that he was in Paraguay. Fr. Arthur said to me: “I don’t know if I am asking you permission or not, as I have already bought the tickets for the trip.” Of course, I had to say that it was OK, and it was OK.
Fr. Arthur took the long trip to Paraguay from Saratoga Springs, New York to Kennedy Airport, New York, from Kennedy Airport to San Paulo, Brazil, and from San Paul, Brazil to Paraguay.
When Fr. Arthur came back to Saratoga Springs, I asked him how the trip went. He told me that Fr. Tom Lacey knew no one, but everyone knew him, and that he was beaming from the first moment he got to Paraguay until the moment he left Paraguay.
I could give story after story of what Fr. Arthur would do to help the elderly confreres: How in Philadelphia, he came to my room many times saying, “We have to take out Fr. Dennis Billy!” who, at the time, was dealing with a serious form of cancer. Fr Dennis always was happy to go out with Fr. Arthur and myself for supper.
Fr. Arthur had a special love for the elderly and the sick. I have no doubt that the Lord saw his goodness and kindness, and that Fr. Arthur was following the most important Gospel message: “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was lonely and in prison, and you came to visit me.” “But, Lord, when did I see you hungry, thirsty, lonely and in prison?” The Lord will answer: “When you did it to one of the least of my brethren you did it unto me.”
May the Lord reward Fr. Arthur with Eternal Life! May he be met at the gates of heaven by our dear Lord, the Mother of Perpetual Help, his parents, his family members, his many friends, St. Alphonsus, and the many Redemptorists Saints and confreres who love him!
God bless you, dear Fr. Arthur, a dear and loving confrere, and friend.