e are called to live abundantly (John 10:10). Fr. Tat Hoang led a mini Lenten retreat focused on living abundantly at St. Gerard Church in Baton Rouge. He focused on how to live mindfully, gratefully and Christ- fully every day in order to have an abundant life. Living this way shows generosity, trustworthiness and gratitude not only to God, but to those with whom we share the world. To achieve this type of life, Jesus said: keep the commandments; detach from worldly things; share with the less fortunate; and follow Jesus (Mark 10:17-22).
Living mindfully determines how we perceive and approach life. Being open and imagining the possibilities challenges us to consciously and consistently be alert to new things every day. A mindful person sees life as beautiful and imagines the possibilities. When we focus on possibilities, we attract opportunities for growth. Living mindfully allows us to better serve God and others.
Gratitude is a characteristic of living an abundant life. Being grateful is to receive others without explanation or judgment. We should receive people as a gift and really listen to them. Being aware and grateful for people in our lives will result in happiness. Being content with what we have rather than searching for more brings joy. Every day people should notice the things that exist just for us: sunsets, trees, air, water, food, people, and so much more.
Our perception and appreciation for life increases our ability to live in the way of Christ. To live Christ-fully means to be baptized, anointed and sent. Choosing and belonging to the way of Jesus allows us to serve and to heal. The spirit of Christ is infused in us through the sacraments, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the Bible.
We begin our journey in baptism and serve Christ’s mission through our prayers, dedication and service. Our aid to our community, the less fortunate, and to the Church exemplify living Christ-fully.
We must use all three aspects to live in Christ fully. First, we must know that we are children of God and be aware of God’s blessings. Second, we must be grateful to follow God, by those anointed and sent. And finally, we must choose to live in peace and unity with others. The retreat focused on ways to live abundantly through Christ.
The first concerned looking for miracles every day to become better at living abundantly and take steps towards eternal life. Retreat participants agreed that abundant living is a mindset that focuses on plentiful opportunities and resources that are available – recognizing and appreciating what we already have, rather than constantly striving for more.
Taking pleasure in life’s simple joys led to the second focus of the retreat: that we must remember Christ’s suffering and death. Jesus died for us so that we can have eternal life. To live abundantly in Christ we must not take His offering for granted. We honor the sacrifice Christ made for us by remembering it and appreciating the life that He gave us. Serving others and the Church’s ministry help us to mimic Christ. Our service and sacrifices for others in our daily lives helps us emulate Christ’s own suffering. As we are called to live an abundant life, we should go forth and appreciate the life around us, serve others selflessly, and remember Christ’s sacrifice.