When in Rome... Family is at the heart of an Italian’s life and is one of the most essential characteristics of Italian culture and traditions. So, my first experience upon arriving in Rome was to visit my family, my Redemptorist family.
On the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, members of the Hispanic community’s Partners in Mission (PIM) group of the Church of Saint Alphonsus Maria De Liguori in Rome graciously extended their warm welcome, inviting me to participate in their PIM gathering.
Fr. Cristian Bueno, General Secretariat for Evangelization, facilitates this group. Fr. Augustin Cantu Drauaillet, the new chaplain of the Spanish community, was also in attendance.
We took the opportunity of this time together to get to know the story of one another from different parts of the world, to share in dialogue, and to pray together. While this gathering demonstrated the global nature and depth of diversity of our communities and our shared mission, it was also an opportunity to consider other missionary possibilities as we continue to strive to be one missionary body and a living memory of our Redeemer.
This joyful experience of unity and expression of shared mission continued as we participated in the Feast Day Sunday Mass for the Hispanic community at St. Alphonsus Church, the Shrine of our Mother of Perpetual Help. This gathering of community at table for the Eucharist continued after Mass as the PIM group and other community members gathered together again at table, sharing various ethnic food specialties.
The Jim Henson’s song, “I’m Going to Go Back There Someday,” has the lyric, “There’s not a word yet, for old friends who’ve just met.” I have come to know that “word” to be Redemptorist charism, with all of its graces as given to us by the Holy Trinity. My deepest gratitude to my Redemptorist Family in Rome for your gracious welcome and hospitality; thank you PIM members of the Hispanic community of the Shrine, Fr. Augustin and Fr. Cristian.