A long journey for Sr. Louisa has come to a new beginning! Hearing the Father’s call to be a clear and radiant witness of God’s plan of love for the salvation of the world, Sr. Louisa entered formation at the Monastery of St. Alphonsus in Liguori. As time evolved and the numbers in community decreased, Sr. Louisa made the bold decision to join the Redemptoristine community in Dublin, Ireland, accompanied by Sr. Ann Marie Gool, O.Ss.R.
On August 19, Sr. Maria Paz Suarez and Sr. Moira Quinn from the Redemptoristine community in Beacon, NY, were privileged to witness Sr. Louisa’s Solemn Profession with her new community, family and friends. To perfect in herself this union with Christ her Redeemer that began in Baptism, she made her vows of Poverty, Chasity and Obedience for the redemption of humanity, trusting in the mercy of God and the maternal help of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Right Rev. Msgr. John Dolan presided at Mass and Provincial Superior Richard Reid of the London Province served as Master of Ceremonies.
The rejoicing began with festive, five-course meal (potatoes three ways – it’s Ireland!) for all of the guests. Sr. Louisa and Prioress, Sr. Gabrielle, were all smiles as they cut the cake. Afterwards, the Americans: Sisters M. Paz, Moira, Deirdre (who began her formation in Liguori and now resides in Dublin), and Ann Marie posed for a photo with Sr. Louisa.
It was a joy to celebrate this new beginning with Sr. Louisa. May she remain faithful to her covenant all the days of her life, and may her light ever shine.