We had the pleasure of hosting Redemptoristine Sisters Gabrielle Fox and Lucy Conway from Dublin, Ireland for a two-day meeting on future planning in the monastery in Beacon.
The week before their arrival, Sr. Mary Louisa Olmo, OSsR, visited for a week before transferring to Dublin. While here, we took her to Esopus, where the former Mount St Alphonsus property is now being used by the Bruderhof as their high school.
Our first stop was the cemetery. Gathered around our sisters and confreres buried there, we sang the Salve Regina. We were graciously welcomed into the Mount Chapel and were awe-struck, again, by the beautiful stain-glass, mosaics and murals.
We then went over to our old Mother of Perpetual Help Monastery, which is now being used for the younger children. We finished the visit with a trip down to the landing on the mighty Hudson River, which has been completely restored.
Our local pastor, diocesan priest Fr. Richard Smith, has been giving the Carmelites and ourselves input every Sunday on the Parables of Jesus. He is an excellent teacher and begins our hour together with music and a poem. All this leads to deep sharing enriching us all.
Scripture scholar Sister of St. Ursula, Carol Perry gave the women religious of the Archdiocese of New York hour-long ZOOM lectures on ‘A New Kind of Fasting.’ A gifted teacher, Sr. Carol guided us through the Lenten journey bringing the Bible stories to life.
We were blessed by a visit by Sr Paula’s friend, Auburn Sister of Mercy, Michelle Gorman. She shared with us and the Carmelites her various ministries from teacher to chaplain of California’s State Senate to spiritual guide and Coordinator for her community. Sr. Michelle has been ministering for over 50 years but you can still hear the Irish lilt in her voice.
We are always happy to welcome Redemptorists when they come to our area. We had a great time catching up with Fr. Kevin MacDonald when he was in the neighborhood. We keep in our prayer all his parish missions as he travels around the country spreading the unconditional love of the Redeemer.
As we mark the first anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine, we continue to pray for all those who suffer the effects of war. And not only there, but across the world, as well as those who are traumatized by gun violence, the working poor living in poverty, people afflicted with addiction and those rebuilding their lives after natural disasters.
Sr. Moira gave a ZOOM presentation, ‘Introducing Blessed Maria Celeste Crostarosa,’ to the Bethpage Chapter of Partners in Mission headed by Lucy Burich McNamara. The presentation was well received and was followed by many questions and answers. Because of the miracle of Zoom, not only were there folks from Long Island, but Redemptorists from Brooklyn and a few people in Arizona!
Sisters Moira, Mary Jane and M. Paz worked on the mailing for our Perpetual Help novena. The letter announces our first in-person Mass in honor of Our Lady since Covid began.
We are delighted to have as celebrant Fr. John Olenick for the feast day, June 27, 2023. He has been newly elected to the Province Council. We hold all our Redemptorists, from the new Provincial, John Collins, to the men in formation, to the elder missionary priests and brothers in our daily prayer.
The Solemnity of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is also the 10th Anniversary of our living among the Carmelites. It has been ten years of mutual blessing and enrichment.
If you want to know more about our community, visit our website: RedNunsNY.org